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Top Landing Page Design Trends For Ecommerce Websites


When it comes to designing a website, the landing page is just as important as any other element.

As an experienced web designer, I know that creating effective landing pages can be tricky but also rewarding.

It's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends so your eCommerce site stands out and attracts customers.

In this article, I'm going to outline some of the top landing page design trends for eCommerce websites in 2021.

By taking these trends into account when creating or revamping your site, you'll be able to ensure visitors have an enjoyable experience from start to finish and are encouraged to make a purchase.

Let's take a look at what's popular right now!

Table of Contents

Mobile Responsive Design

With the ever-growing demand for convenience and accessibility, mobile optimization of ecommerce websites has become a necessity.

According to recent research, nearly 68 percent of consumers use their smartphones to make online purchases. That's why it's essential that web designers prioritize mobile responsive design when creating an ecommerce website.

To ensure optimal performance on any device, thorough testing should be done during the design phase. This includes verifying that all elements such as images, videos, buttons, and form fields are properly optimized for different browsers and devices.

Web designers can also use various tools like Google Chrome developer console to check for any compatibility issues before launching a site.

Additionally, using grid systems or frameworks is highly recommended since they help achieve consistency across multiple platforms while making sure each page looks its best no matter which device it's viewed on.

By taking these steps into consideration when building an ecommerce website—from optimizing content for smaller screens to running tests to verify proper functionality—web designers can create a user experience that fully satisfies customers' needs with ease.

Strategic Use Of White Space

I'm always looking for ways to optimize layout and improve visual clarity when designing ecommerce landing pages. Strategic use of white space is one of the top design trends I use to accomplish this.

Optimized Layout

As a web designer, I know that strategic use of white space is key when it comes to creating a top-notch landing page for an ecommerce website.

Optimized layouts provide customers with the best possible experience by allowing them to easily navigate the product showcase and quickly find what they are looking for.

By utilizing clean lines and negative space between elements on the page, we can create an airy and engaging atmosphere that encourages visitors to explore further.

Ultimately, this leads to more conversions as users will have no trouble finding exactly what they need.

With optimized layout design strategies, your customers will thank you!

Visual Clarity

Visual clarity is another essential component of strategic white space design.

By utilizing a simple layout and content hierarchy, users can quickly identify the purpose of each section on the page.

This eliminates confusion and helps guide them through their journey to find what they need.

With this level of clarity, customers are more likely to stay engaged with your site and make purchases in the end.

It's all about providing an effortless experience that simplifies the buying process!

Minimalist Aesthetic

The minimalist aesthetic is a popular trend in ecommerce website design. It emphasizes simplicity, ease of use and clean visuals to create an attractive landing page for visitors.

Customizable fonts are often used to draw attention to key elements such as call-to-actions or product descriptions. Engaging videos can also be used to grab the viewer's attention while communicating your message quickly and effectively.

The focus on minimalism allows customers to find what they're looking for easily without any distracting clutter. This style of design works well with both modern and classic designs, making it highly versatile.

Its uncomplicated look helps keep things simple yet sophisticated at the same time, which makes it ideal for many different types of websites. Plus, its versatility enables web designers to customize each element according to their needs and preferences.

With this type of design, you can ensure that your website looks professional while providing users with an easy way to navigate through your pages and find the products they need quickly and efficiently.

Clear Call To Action

When it comes to ecommerce websites, having a clear call to action (CTA) is vital. A CTA should be placed prominently on your landing page and must stand out from the rest of the content for maximum impact.

To make sure it's eye-catching, consider using interactive elements such as buttons or hover effects. It's also important that your CTA stands out in terms of design by making use of different font sizes, colors, and even animation if appropriate. You can draw attention to your CTA by adding an attractive background color or contrast with other elements on the page.

Additionally, you may want to think about including directional cues like arrows pointing towards the CTA button so visitors know exactly what they need to do next. Ultimately, a well-designed call to action will help guide users through their journey and provide them with a sense of direction when engaging with your website.

In short, ensure you have:

  • Prominent placement - Make sure it stands out from the rest of the content and draws attention easily!
  • Interactive elements - Consider utilizing buttons or hover effects for added emphasis.
  • Eye-catching design - Utilize fonts, colors, backgrounds and animations for extra flair!
  • Directional cues - Arrows could serve as helpful indicators guiding customers toward the final step.

By incorporating these strategies into your web design process, you'll create an effective and user-friendly experience that drives conversions on your site!

Visual Storytelling

The modern consumer is an image-driven one; they crave visuals that evoke emotion and create a lasting impression. Visual storytelling elevates the customer experience by providing them with colorful imagery, persuasive copy, and interactive experiences. To capture their attention and keep it, ecommerce websites must leverage these powerful tactics to drive conversions and build loyalty.

Just as there are no two stories alike, so too should be the visual presentation of each product or service featured on your site. In order to accomplish this goal, consider incorporating the following elements into your design:

Colorful ImageryCreate emotional connection between customers & products/servicesIncreased engagement & conversion rates
Persuasive CopywritingIncrease awareness & understanding of value propositionsHigher click-throughs & sales leads
Interactive ExperiencesMake navigating website more enjoyable for usersImproved user satisfaction & loyalty

Using these components in tandem can help you craft a unique story about your business that resonates with potential customers – ultimately leading to higher visitor traffic and revenue growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make Sure The Landing Page Is Optimized For Different Devices?

When optimizing a landing page for different devices, the flow and layout of content must be taken into account.

Responsive design is key to creating an enjoyable user experience on any device; it should work seamlessly regardless of whether someone's browsing from their phone, tablet or laptop.

By understanding how users interact with each type of device, I can ensure that my designs are tailored to suit these needs as well as help meet business objectives.

What Are The Benefits Of Using White Space?

When it comes to designing a landing page, white space is one of the most important considerations.

By providing ample amounts of negative space between design elements and content, user experience can be greatly enhanced while creating a minimalist look.

White space makes text easier to read and allows users to quickly understand the message without being overwhelmed by information overload.

Additionally, this type of aesthetic encourages visitors to take action on your website which leads to better conversion rates.

All in all, using white space effectively is an essential aspect of any successful eCommerce website's landing page design trend.

What Is The Ideal Number Of Elements For A Minimalist Design?

For the modern web designer, creating a minimalist design is not only about color palette and dynamic content -- it's also about finding the ideal number of elements for an aesthetic that looks effortless.

To achieve this balance between form and function, designers must carefully consider how to integrate visuals with interactive features without overwhelming visitors.

In doing so, they can craft a user experience that engages customers while still maintaining visual clarity.

How Do I Make Sure My Call To Action Stands Out?

As a web designer, it's important to make sure your call to action stands out.

Utilizing color and power words is key for attaining that goal. For example, use bright colors like yellows or oranges and incorporate strong verbs such as 'buy' or 'subscribe.'

These elements will help draw attention to the CTA so you can maximize conversions.

How Can I Create A Visual Narrative For My Landing Page?

As a web designer, I know that creating a visual narrative for your landing page is key to keeping visitors engaged.

To ensure you build an effective story, include creative visuals and simplified messaging. This will help draw attention to the call-to-action and make sure it stands out from the rest.

By crafting an engaging narrative through visually appealing design and straightforward messaging, you can create a memorable experience for users that keeps them coming back.


As a web designer, I know that the success of an ecommerce website depends on its landing page design. To ensure maximum conversions and engagement from customers, it is essential to keep up with the latest trends in this field.

From optimal device optimization to creating visual narratives, there are so many ways to make sure your landing page stands out! Using white space strategically can do wonders for any landing page design; it helps create clarity and focus, allowing users to find what they need quickly and easily.

Moreover, including only relevant elements will help you avoid overwhelming visitors while ensuring they get all the information they need. Finally, making sure your call-to-action stands out ensures maximum click-throughs – exaggeration techniques such as size and color contrast work best here.

In short, if you want your ecommerce website to be successful then taking advantage of these top landing page design trends is absolutely vital! With careful consideration and attention to detail you can craft a stunning yet effective page that is optimized for different devices and encourages more conversions than ever before.

So what are you waiting for? Get designing today!