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Ctas That Convert: Top Tips For Ecommerce Landing Pages


As a web designer, I understand the power of CTAs. They can be the difference between an eCommerce landing page that's successful and one that falls flat. A CTA should grab users' attention and encourage them to take action.

In this article, I'll offer up my top tips for creating CTAs that convert on your eCommerce pages. Let's dive in!

We'll look at how to craft effective copy, position your CTA strategically and incorporate design elements to make it stand out from the rest of the page content. With these simple yet powerful tricks, you can create CTAs that drive conversions on any eCommerce landing page.

Table of Contents

Crafting Compelling Copy

When it comes to crafting compelling copy for ecommerce landing pages, research has shown that attention-grabbing headlines can increase click-through rates by up to 500%.

As a web designer, you have the power to use persuasive language and focusing attention on those headline phrases in order to draw visitors towards your site.

Using creative phrasing and bold color combinations will create an inviting look for potential customers, while providing them with information about what they stand to gain from visiting your page.

Imagery is also important when capturing a customer's eye - think of using large product photos or videos which can be tailored specifically to their wants and needs.

Finally, adding simple but effective call-to-action buttons throughout your page can lead customers directly where you want them go - completing purchase forms or signing up for newsletters.

Strategically Placing Your Cta

When it comes to placing your CTA, you want to ensure maximum visibility and easy access. Depending on the layout of your ecommerce landing page, this may require some strategic positioning so that users can easily find what they need without too much effort.

Here are a few key tips for strategically placing your CTA:

  • On Desktop

Place the CTA near the top of the page, above the fold - this will help draw attention from visitors as soon as they arrive at your website. Also make sure there's plenty of white space around it for clear distinction; this is especially important if there are other calls-to-action present on the same page.

Ensure proper sizing – CTAs should be large enough to grab user's attention but not too big where it might look overwhelming or take up too much room on mobile devices.

  • For Mobile Optimization

Make sure all elements within the CTA are clickable – buttons, text links, etc., should link directly to the desired action.

Consider adding sticky navigation with an embedded CTA - this will keep your primary call-to-action in view while scrolling down on smaller screens.

Finally, test different placements and sizes across desktop and mobile devices to optimize performance and conversions accordingly!

Incorporating Visual Elements

Incorporating visual elements into your ecommerce landing page is key to driving conversions. Utilizing videos, GIFs, and animations can help grab the attention of visitors while also providing a more engaging experience than long-form text or static images. Optimizing fonts for readability and ensuring that all visuals are relevant to the product or service you're selling will ensure that your audience stays engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

Visual ElementsBenefits
VideosEngaging & Informative
AnimationsAttention Grabbing
GIFSEmotional Reactions
Readable FontsEasily Scannable & Understandable Content

By combining creative visuals with an effective content strategy, you can create powerful experiences on your ecommerce landing pages that drive conversions. It's important to keep visual elements balanced across different sections of the page so as not to overwhelm your users but instead provide them with just enough information at any given time. Additionally, making sure that all visuals correspond with the message and theme of your brand will make it easier for customers to recognize who you are and why they should buy from you. With these tips, you'll be able to increase customer engagement and improve conversion rates from your ecommerce landing pages.

Leveraging Colours Effectively

Taking visual elements to the next level, let's talk about leveraging colours effectively.

Colour psychology is an important factor when it comes to creating engaging and effective landing pages; different hues can evoke a range of emotions from your audience –– so pick wisely!

Furthermore, you should pay close attention to the contrast ratio between foreground and background colours; this will help ensure that content remains visible even in less-than-ideal lighting conditions.

With careful consideration for colour choice and contrast ratios, you can create visually appealing webpages that convert visitors into customers.

When using multiple shades on a single page, be sure to select them carefully — having too many competing tones can make your design look chaotic and off-putting.

Blend complementary colours together instead to create aesthetically pleasing visuals without overwhelming users with dramatic contrasts.

Additionally, consider adding subtle gradients or textures as accents throughout to enhance engagement without detracting from your core message.

By following these steps, you'll be able to develop attractive webpages that drive conversions while representing your brand identity accurately.

Testing Your Ctas

Making sure your CTAs are performing well should be a top priority for any web designer. Split testing and multi variant testing can help you get the most out of your landing page, so here are some tips to help you create effective calls-to-action:

  1. Keep it simple - make sure that your CTA is concise and easy to understand at first glance.

  2. Make it stand out - use contrasting colors or bold fonts to draw attention to your call-to-action button.

  3. Use persuasive language - use action statements such as “Get Started” or “Sign Up Now” to encourage people to click on the button.

  4. Test different variations - split test multiple versions of a CTA by changing the design or wording in order to find the one with the highest conversion rate.

By following these 4 steps, you'll have an improved understanding of how users interact with each version of your CTA and will be able to optimize them for maximum conversions.

With this knowledge, you'll be able to maximize engagement on your ecommerce website!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Change The Cta On My Landing Page?

It's important to keep your CTAs up-to-date for maximum conversions.

You should tailor the messaging on each landing page and offer personalized offers in order to ensure that you're getting the most engagement from customers.

This means changing out CTAs regularly, and determining what works best based off of data gathered from analytics.

As a web designer, it's important to consider how often changes need to be made in order to optimize user experience and maximize conversions.

What Is The Best Size For A Cta Button?

As the old adage goes, size matters - and it's no different when designing your eCommerce store's CTAs.

The best size for a CTA button should be determined by who you're targeting with your landing page: understanding your target demographics can help inform what size works best for them.

Additionally, copywriting techniques such as using actionable words like 'download' or 'sign up' in the text of the button itself can make all the difference in how well that CTA will convert.

As a web designer, consider these two strategies to ensure that every CTA on your site is perfectly sized and optimised!

How Can I Ensure My Cta Is Easy To Find?

When assessing how to make sure your CTA is easy to find, testing placement and assessing clarity are key.

As a web designer, you should consider where it makes the most sense for users to be able to see the CTA without being overwhelmed or confused by its presence.

Try experimenting with different placements on the page and assess its visibility in comparison to other elements; does it stand out?

Is it clear what clicking this button will do?

By carefully considering these factors you can ensure that your CTA is as effective as possible.

What Is The Best Way To Use Visuals To Support My Cta?

Using visuals to support your CTA is like building a ladder for customers to climb.

It's important to create visual hierarchy and persuasive copy that will draw attention of users and direct them toward the CTA.

As a web designer, it's essential to ensure the placement of CTAs are clear and visible with contrasting colors and language that stands out from the rest of the page.

Utilizing clean design principles and thoughtful use of typography will help guide customers towards taking action.

How Can I Use Colour To Draw Attention To My Cta?

As a web designer, I know how important it is to use colour to draw attention to your CTA.

Utilizing the right colours can help create an emotional appeal and encourage users to engage with the call-to-action button.

Colour selection should be based on the brand's identity and where you place the CTA on the page.

Make sure that all other elements don't distract from or compete with the CTA by using complementary hues.

When used correctly, color will help focus visitors' eyes on what matters—your CTA!


As a web designer, I understand the importance of creating effective CTA's that convert. When it comes to crafting ecommerce landing pages, there are several key factors you should consider in order to ensure your call-to-action is successful.

It's important to think about how often you change up the CTA on your page; depending on what type of product or service you offer, this might be more frequent than others.

Additionally, take into account size and placement when designing the button - making sure it stands out from other elements on the page but doesn't overwhelm visitors.

Visuals can also help draw attention to CTAs by highlighting their purpose and colour can be used effectively here too.

By following these tips, you can design high converting CTA's for all of your ecommerce campaigns with ease.

The best part? It doesn't have to be a complex process - just keep these simple tips in mind and enjoy watching those conversions roll in!