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The Dos And Donts Of Call-To-Action Buttons On Landing Pages


As a web designer, you know how important it is to have effective call-to-action buttons on your landing pages. Good CTAs help draw visitors in and drive conversions - but only if they're done right.

In this article, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of creating successful CTA buttons for maximum impact.

The design of your calls-to-action can make or break the effectiveness of your landing page. It's essential that designers get them right; otherwise, visitors may overlook or ignore them altogether.

To ensure success, let's take a look at what works when it comes to designing effective CTA buttons.

Table of Contents

Use Eye-Catching Colors

When designing your landing page, it's important to consider the placement and color of your call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

Using eye-catching colors for your CTAs is a great way to draw attention and optimize their placement.

Creating visual hierarchy with CTA buttons will also help guide visitors through your page.

You can achieve this by using contrasting colors on other parts of the page such as headings or dividers so that they don't compete with the main CTA button.

Additionally, you should ensure there are no competing CTAs on the same page. This makes sure there isn't any confusion about which action you want visitors to take next.

To summarize, optimizing the placement of attractive colored CTAs helps create an organized flow of information throughout your landing page while guiding visitors in taking desired actions.

Write Clear, Concise Copy

Eye-catching colors are essential for call-to-action buttons, but it's also important to ensure the copy of your button is clear and concise. Writing CTAs that users can quickly understand will help them recognize what action they need to take next.

Optimizing performance with user intent in mind is key when crafting effective CTA buttons – here's how:

  • Keep your text short and straightforward. Avoid jargon or complex sentences as these may confuse readers.

  • Make sure your message conveys a sense of urgency. Phrases such as ‘claim now' or ‘buy today' work well for this purpose.

  • Focus on the benefits of taking action instead of solely highlighting the features. For example, use phrases like ‘start saving time now' rather than simply listing out the product features.

  • Match the tone of your language to match your target audience; if you're targeting professionals then using industry terms may be better than casual phrasing.

When done right, call-to-action buttons should make it easy for visitors to navigate toward their desired actions without hesitation or confusion. To optimize performance and create a good user experience, focus on writing concise copy while keeping user intent in mind so customers know exactly what they should do next.

Utilize White Space

Maximizing readability can have a huge impact on the success of a call-to-action button. Designing for visual impact is key for getting users to take action.

Maximizing Readability

When it comes to utilizing white space on a landing page, maximizing readability is key.

As a web designer, I recommend dynamic sizing and varying the shapes of call-to-action buttons in order to maximize user attention.

Too much clutter or too many similar elements can be distracting for users, so ensuring that CTA buttons are bold and stand out from other design features is essential.

Of course, you don't want them taking up too much real estate either - keep in mind that subtlety can go a long way here!

By following these simple rules, you'll ensure your CTAs have maximum impact without detracting from the overall aesthetic of the page.

Designing For Visual Impact

In addition to maximizing readability on a landing page, designing for visual impact is also important.

Placement strategies and animation effects should be used carefully in order to create an eye-catching design that will draw users' attention without being overwhelming or distracting.

Where possible, I recommend experimenting with subtle variations of color and size to ensure elements stand out from the rest of the page - but don't go overboard!

Animation can also make certain elements pop - just be sure not to overdo it as this can detract from the overall user experience.

By following these simple rules, you'll be able to craft a visually appealing website that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Keep It Above The Fold

It's a mistake to assume that the placement of your call-to-action button is unimportant. Where you place it on your landing page can have an impact on the number of clicks and conversions from visitors.

To ensure that users don't miss out on taking action, optimize placement and make sure your CTA is high up - above the fold.

Placing your CTA at the top of the page also gives priority to clarity; when visitors arrive, they should be able to quickly identify what action they need to take next. The use of white space around the button helps draw attention to it too – allowing visitors to understand its importance in relation to other elements on screen.

With strategic placement and clear messaging, you'll maximize engagement with potential customers who land on your page. So keep it above the fold!

Test And Tweak Your Ctas

As a web designer, it's important to determine the placement of your call-to-action buttons on landing pages. Though there aren't any hard and fast rules for where you should place them, there are some key elements that can help guide decision making:

  • Design Elements
  • Stick with consistent design elements across all CTAs
  • Vary color and shape as needed to differentiate between CTA types

Placement Considerations

  • Place CTAs at natural stopping points in content
  • Make sure they're clearly visible when users scroll down the page

Testing out different visuals is another great way to optimize CTA performance. A/B testing allows you to compare two versions of the same element (CTA button) so you know which one has higher conversion rates—and why.

For example, if Version B outperforms Version A when it comes to clickthrough rate, then you'll want to use its colors and other visual details moving forward. Ultimately, testing helps ensure your calls-to-action are optimized for maximum effectiveness.

When crafting landing pages with CTAs, keep in mind that usability should always come first. If users find it difficult or confusing to take action after viewing your page, chances are they won't convert into leads.

Putting in time upfront will pay off later by optimizing conversions from visitors who land on your site.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Test And Tweak My Ctas?

When it comes to testing and tweaking call-to-action (CTA) buttons on landing pages, the old adage “practice makes perfect” definitely applies.

As a web designer, I recommend that you test your CTAs frequently in order to optimize their placement and maximize conversions.

Testing frequency depends on various factors such as the size of your audience, website traffic, and changes made to the page layout or content over time.

You should also pay attention to any changes in user behavior and adjust accordingly.

By regularly monitoring how users interact with your CTA button – including click rate, hover rate, and conversion rate - you can make sure they are always performing at their best.

What Is The Ideal Size For A Call-To-Action Button?

When designing a call-to-action button for your landing page, it's important to consider the size of the button.

The ideal size should be big enough to draw attention but not so large that it takes away from the rest of the content on the page.

Color choice is also key; make sure you create contrast between the CTA button and its surroundings in order to grab visitors' attention quickly.

Finally, placement matters too — make sure your call-to-action buttons are in an obvious spot near related items or services.

How Many Call-To-Action Buttons Should I Include On A Landing Page?

As a web designer, I'm often asked how many call-to-action buttons should be included on a landing page.

In order to create an effective visual hierarchy and drive conversions, it's important to strategically place one or two CTA buttons at the most.

By employing this approach, you can ensure that users are not overwhelmed with too much choice, but instead focus their attention on the desired action.

To gain maximum engagement and achieve your goals, consider using contrasting colors for your CTA button which will help draw attention in the right direction within the overall design of your page.

Are There Any Design Elements That Should Be Avoided When Creating A Call-To-Action Button?

As a web designer, it's important to create eye-catching visuals with call-to-action buttons on landing pages.

However, there are certain design elements that should be avoided when crafting these CTA buttons.

It's best practice to avoid using too many colors or fonts as this can distract users and make the page look cluttered.

Additionally, offering limited choices is key; try not to include more than two or three CTAs in order for visitors to easily see what action they need to take next.

Is There Any Specific Kind Of Language I Should Use In My Call-To-Action Copy?

When crafting a call-to-action button, language is one of the most important considerations.

Using actionable verbs that visually stand out and grab attention can be incredibly effective in motivating visitors to take action.

As a web designer, it's important to consider how you phrase your CTA copy - making sure it conveys a sense of urgency or importance while still remaining succinct.

Utilizing symbolism within the text is an excellent way to evoke emotion from readers and drive them towards conversion.


At the end of the day, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to creating effective call-to-action buttons.

Every website and landing page will have different needs and goals that must be taken into consideration when designing CTAs.

However, following these simple dos and don'ts can help make sure your call-to-action stands out from the competition – with eye catching design elements, a clear message, and an optimally sized button.

Testing regularly is also key for making sure your CTA is performing at its best - without testing you'll never know how well it's truly resonating with users!

As web designers we strive for perfection in every aspect of our designs, so why not take the extra step to ensure each CTA performs as well as it looks?

With these tips in hand, I'm confident that you'll be able to create highly successful call-to-action buttons on any site or landing page.